2023 Works In Progress

My 2023 WIP Parade – about time I recorded another flosstube video, and here it is – my full coverage cross stitch WIP parade. I’m looking forward to seeing more of these from other stitchers in the coming month or […]
My 2023 WIP Parade – about time I recorded another flosstube video, and here it is – my full coverage cross stitch WIP parade. I’m looking forward to seeing more of these from other stitchers in the coming month or […]
In her latest Flosstube videos, Nikki discusses her answers to the 13 question “behind the scenes tag” by Jessie Marie. Nikki talks about the camera, sound recorder, editing software and more. Learn what bits she uses making her Flosstube videos. […]
Just a quick update before I turn the pc off for the night. First my new toy arrived safe and sound after a slight delay at customs. It’s a System 4 lapstand and q-snap holder and I love it. Seeing […]
Getting back to Little Princess after a break to stitch on Curl Up seems to have given me a speed burst on Little Princess. I left her with half a page to finish before getting onto the last page of […]
One of the things I am constantly trying to find as a stitcher is ‘The Perfect Setup’ a setup where I will be so comfortable I can while away the hours stitching, stitching, stitching. I’ve been a lot more comfortable […]
It was all going so well. I’ve been making really good progress on Whispers and was getting to the point of deciding whether to start page 5 or to get back to Little Princess for a few days after the […]
Some good news this week I finally framed Woodland Enchantress. I found a place online which had just the type of frame I wanted which was a relief after the local framer I used closed down and relocated out of […]
Whenever I get ready to do some sewing it takes me a bit of time to get ready and this is the reason why. It looks a bit of a mess but it is actually organised, I’ve got my needles […]